In a group

Historische Huizen Gent has a nice offer for groups. Both about the history of the abbey and its southern abbey garden, as well as about the temporary exhibitions.

St. Peter's Abbey with guide

Be accompanied by one of our specialist guides and discover everything about the fascinating history of the abbey..

Languages available in Dutch, French, English, German and Spanish
Duration 90 minutes
Number maximum of 15 people per guide
Price € 105 per guide
Bookings book online


St Peter’s Abbey has built a fine reputation as a home for exhibitions. In the autumn, you can enjoy cultural and historical exhibitions, and during the summer months, we usually focus on photography. 

Check out our range of exhibitions here

Exclusieve nocturnes in de Sint-Pietersabdij

Je kan een nocturne bespreken, aanvragen via ons Team Zaalhuur.

Meer info