With your class

Historische Huizen Gent also wants to enthuse young people for culture. We like to bring history to life for them today in a creative manner. Through stories to charm, surprise, and amaze. Through guided tours to stimulate them and make them curious to know more.

Children’s workshops

With pen, parchment, and paintbrush

Your students learn in a playful manner how important writing is. They learn how monks worked and what equipment they used. At the end of the workshop, they get to work themselves on embellishing the initials of their name, like a true medieval copyist. With a real feather pen!

Languages only available in Dutch and French
Age8 to 12 years
Duration2 hours
Numbermaximum 20 students per guide/workshop
Price€ 111 per guide/workshop
Availabilitythe whole school year, except on Mondays
Bookingsbook online

An unusual abbot election

Dressed as monks, with a real monk’s name and a real monk’s job, your students are taken on a tour of St Peter’s Abbey, its history, and its former occupants. The monk who excels in knowledge and wisdom is earmarked as the next abbot of the renowned St Peter’s Abbey.

Languagesonly available in Dutch and Frenc
Age8 to 14 years
Duration2 hours
Numbermaximum 20 students per guide/workshop
Price€ 111 per guide/workshop
AvailabilityThe whole school year, except on Mondays
Bookings book online

Brewed with love and magic herbs in the medieval herb garden

Monks and witches used herbs. Witch Morgan de Marcatellis takes your students to the herb garden of St Peter’s Abbey and shares the herbal knowledge of her ancestors. They can smell and taste the herbs and devise their own recipe. Who will pass the witch examination?

Languagesonly available in Dutch
Age 8 to 12 years
Duration2 hours
Numbermaximum 20 students per workshop/guide
Price€ 111 per workshop/guide

the whole school year, except on Mondays.

Summer = outdoors, winter = indoors

Bookingsbook online

Guided tours for primary and secondary education students

Discover the rich history of St. Peter's Abbey and the daily life of the monks in the Middle Ages.

Languages available in Dutch, French, English, German and Spanish
Age 6 to 18 years
Duration 90 minutes
Number max. 20 students per guide
Price €88
Bookings book online