Who’s who?

Do you have a question?
Send us an email at historischehuizen@stad.gent or contact one of our colleagues directly.

Doreen Gaublomme - Manager 

Design and Content
Martine Van Asch - coordination exhibitions and heritage projects
Kristin Van Damme - exhibitions and heritage projects

Public Relations
Pieter Martens - education and public relations
Hannah Van Hoecke - education and public relations

Annemie De Porre - collection management and maintenance

Exhibition administration
Christelle De Noble - exhibition administration

Creation and Design
Geert Willems - design and projects

Operational management
Isabel De Baere - operational management coordination 
Anne Willems - operational management
Saskia Van Brussel - operational management
Aelissia De Wilde - operational management

Hall rental 
Joke Desaever - coordination of marketing and hall rental
Yannick Trioen - hall rental
Kate De Clerck - hall rental

Ria De Caestecker - reception at St Peter’s Abbey
Sabine Burghgraeve - reception at St Peter’s Abbey
Mie Van Daele - reception at the Castle of the Counts
Martine Van Vooren - reception at the Castle of the Counts
Lieve Taveirne - reception at the Castle of the Counts

Press & communication
Marie-Anne Bru - communications coordinator
Matthias Peynshaert - digital communication

Marischa Vindevogel - secretariat
Ann De Muynck - human resources
Sabine Vercruysse - volunteer operations

Alain Leveugle - logistics and technology
Johan Prils - logistics and technology 

Security and buildings
Frederic De Schryver - head security & buildings
Peter Derycke - facility consulant

Security at St Peter’s Abbey
Kristof Buyens - team responsible
Elke Vanderstraeten - security
Dirk Becqué - security
Mitch Bodeyn - security
David Bruynooghe - security

Security at the Castle of the Counts
Glenn Delcart - team responsible
Marc De Vogelaere - security
Gina Vangheluwe - security
Jens De Wulf - security
Hayat Yunuz - security
Linga Kazanga - security

On-call workers
Anita Cooreman, Shannen Cozijns, Mica Lemaire, Chloë Meirlaen, Martine Minne, Ines Nedjari, Yves Pannier, Danny Vandekerckhove, Pol Bulté, Hana Reynaert, Martine Blomme, Hilde Buyst, Monique Coppens, Teun De Dobbelaere, Erwin Delheye, Marie-Claire Pieters, John Lewis, Jaak De Vos.

Cherif Abellaai, Donald Auman, Jan Baert, Rita Bayart, Catherine Bekaert, Philippe Bijvoet, Johanna Blockeel, Charly Brown, Jean-Pierre Buysse, Fanny Claeys, Klaas Coessens, Roger Cornelis, Patrice De Coene, Martine De Decker, Eric De Groote, Jacques De Paepe, Albin De Rocker, Anne De Roo, Hilde De Sutter, Hilde De Vleeschauwer, Georges De Vreeze, Marina De Wandel, Annie Decrop, Guido Delamarre, Myriam Demonie, Patricia Derdelinckx, Ronny Deuwel, Musti El Moummou, Asma Fani, Kathleen Gabriel, Marjan Gazanfary, Maryam Gazanfary, Jo Gentier, Marijke Haverbeke, Anne Laeremans, Marieke Laeremans, Marie Ange Langie, Gwendolyn Marchand, Sergei Medvedev, Josie Mornie, Grietje Mortier, Freddy Neyt, Jean-Pierre Ongena, Yves Pannier, Jakelien Pyfferoen, Maja Reimers, Erfan Shahsharami, Nadine Schelkens, Christian Schotte, Mark Schreyen, Gerda Serbruyns, Annemie Soetaert, Christoph Spruyt, Simba Timmerman, Bram Uyttenhoven, Bernard Van der Stiggel, Dirk Van Gasse, Chris Van Hauwaert, Anne Van Herreweghe, Nadine Van Hessche, Frieda Van Hulle, Marjan Van Muylem, Lucrèce Van Renterghem, Nadine Van Vooren, Kathleen Van Wynsberghe, Marie-Lou Vanassche, Lut Vandendriessche, Guy Vanhaverbeke, Gilbert VanKerckhove, Daisy Vanneste, Sonja Vanoutryve, Christine Veevaete, Mira Verbiest, Fabienne Vergaert, Katrien Verhelle, Isabel Vertriest, Hilde Vervynck, Martien Vincent, Katrien Vlassenbroeck, Peter Waterschoot, Regi Wietendaele.