School Visit

From nursery to secondary school, all classes are welcome in the Castle of the Counts. Our guides adapt to every age and target audience. They take students to a world of knights and noble ladies, princes and princesses, huge castles, tournaments, and banquets. Even for subjects such as architecture, care for the poor, industrial revolution, and crime and punishment, they get the message across playfully and vividly.

Tour kindergarteners

Help! Detectives wanted!

Clad in a knight’s jacket, your kindergarteners discover the castle and its former residents. What did knights look like? Did they have a shower? Did the castle have heating? How do you defend a castle? The count/countess takes you on a guided tour of the castle in search of hidden corners and secret hideaways.

Languages only available in Dutch and French
Age kindergarteners from the second and third nursery class 
Duration 90 minutes
Number maximum of 20 kindergarteners and 4 supervisors per guide (1 supervisor must be present per 10 kindergarteners to ensure a safe and sound guided tour)
Price € 111 per guide
Availability throughout the school year
Bookings at least 10 days in advance via

Please bring a camera/mobile phone for a group photograph on the diploma which is presented by the count/countess and name badges with the children’s first name.

Tours primary education

The clash of the ages

Duel between the Middle Ages and our time!
Imagine life in the Middle Ages: a time of knights and noble ladies, huge castles, tournaments, and rave parties. But are our ideas right? During this interactive tour, we give your class a flashback in time. Look around and compare. 

Languages only available in Dutch and French
Age 6-12 years (adapted assignments and themes according to age) 
Duration 2 hours 
Number maximum of  20 students per guide (maximum 4 supervisors)
Price € 111 per guide
Availability throughout the school year
Bookings at least 10 days in advance via

Party in the castle

Your students are catapulted back to the Middle Ages. Together, you enjoy a medieval party as real princes or princesses in the majestic quarters of the Castle of the Counts. The magical fancy dress case gives the party a royal allure right from the start. Your class learns about life in a castle in a playful manner.

Languagesonly available in Dutch
Age 6-12 years
Duration2 hours
Numbermaximum of 20 students per guide
Price€ 111 per guide
Availabilitythroughout the school year
Bookingsat least 10 days in advance via

Tour secondary education

Discover with your class the history of this unique medieval castle in the heart of the city.

Languagesavailable in Dutch, French, English, German and Spanish
Age12-18 years old
Numbermaximum of 20 students per guide
Price€ 88 per guide + € 2,70 per pupil for schools outside Ghent
Availabilitythroughout the school year
Bookingsat least 10 days in advance via


Visit with audio guide

Students aged at least 8 can discover or rediscover the Castle of the Counts with a unique audio guide by comedian Wouter Deprez. Included in the entrance ticket. More info.

Number maximum of  50 students per time slot

students aged 0 to 12 free

13 to 18 years €2,70 per student

Availability every day at 10.40am, 11.40am, 12.40am, 1.40pm, 2.40pm and 3.40pm
Bookings online

If you bring your students, always book online. If you do not make a reservation, you may be refused entry if the maximum capacity of the castle has been reached.

Book online

Visit without audio guide

You can also take your pupils with you and visit the castle without an audio guide. In that case, too, always make a reservation online in advance. Access may be refused without a reservation.

Number maximum of 30 students per time slot

students aged 0 to 12 free

13 to 18 years €2,70 per student

Availability every day at 11am and 2pm
Book online (without audio guide)